Journaling & Thoughts

As most of you know, I’ve been seeing a therapist (on and off) for a while. One of the things that she told me to do daily, that would help me, was to journal. Before this all began, I loved to write but now it’s become more of a task and sometimes difficult to do. She said that I should do it daily, but I’m going to start by trying to do it weekly. My journal will probably be just random thoughts and happenings and I will post them under the “Journal” tab of my blog and I am aiming for each Friday.

About Me

My name is Angela and I have cancer. Those are words that I never thought I’d ever say again. But here I am with triple negative breast cancer. This blog is meant to help me get things off my chest and let others know of my journey. I am hoping to not only help myself, but bring attention to TNBC, help others going through the same and rant and rave, laugh and cry.


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